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Friday Update: 9 February 2024


Detectorists will know that you can have runs of good luck and then it can turn. Similarly with finds sent into this website, we can have several of one type of find and then not see one for a while. When we first started in 2020, we seemed to get a gold stater sent in nearly every week. That led my wife and Peter’s daughter, Victoria, to say “Not another bloody gold stater“. Not a phrase that’s ever been uttered by any detectorist I dare say. For the second edition running, our Find of the Week is a gold stater. We’ve identification and valuation of 12 more of your finds.

One find that I would be surprised if we see again in the coming weeks is Jonathan Needham’s “one in a billion” find – a gold Bronze Age cloak fastener. It is the first find of its type in Britain for 30 years.

Recent detecting finds did well in Noonans auction last week, particularly a rare groat of Edward V.

Two articles on PAS finds. On is a copper tally; an example of a mundane find with a lot of social history attached to it. The other is actually a mudlarking find; it’s such an interesting piece that I thought it merited a trip over to the dark side.

Bronze Age dress fastener is “one in a billion” find

Rare groat trebles estimate in Noonans sale

Identification and Valuations

13 more readers finds from the last couple of weeks. Thanks to all those who have sent them in.

PAS Finds – Railway tally

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Friday 26 January 2024
friday 22 december 2023
Friday 8 December 2023

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Next week

Help with the next edition

Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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