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Friday Update: 8 December 2023


My wife said I’d gone a bit “social media” when I said “wow” last week about the gold shilling that one of our readers had found and sent in. Well, it’s wow again as we have had another rare gold coin find sent in this week – an Angel of Edward IV.

At the other end of the spectrum in PAS Finds is a token for a billiard hall in Leeds. Little monetary value but with a lot of social history. It’s what this website is about, we love to be able to share both the rare finds and those with a story and so please keep sending your finds in. And, if you’ve found a curiosity and have done some research on it we would be more than happy to publish that.

Angel of Edward IV

Noonans sell Colkirk Hoard and other rare finds

Identification and Valuations

Six more readers finds. Thanks to all those who have sent them in. Clearly the find of the week is the gold Angel featured above.

Runner Up

Penny of King Eadgar

Penny of King Eadgar

We were notified of something awry with this find shortly after publication and are currently looking into it

Previous Website Updates

Friday 1 December 2023
Friday 17 November
Friday 10 November 2023

You can find all previous website updates in News

Next week

Help with the next edition

Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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