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Friday Update: 22 December 2023


As it’s the last edition before Christmas, Peter has written his Christmas message with his thoughts on all things detecting. This is our fourth Christmas and our raison d’être is the identification, valuation and sharing of your detecting finds. Many thanks to all of you who send them in.

As it’s Christmas we try to unearth some connection with Christmas and a detecting find. For some Christmas may be a time to reflect on the bible and for others a chance to enjoy a well deserved drink. We’re ticking both boxes as in PAS Finds we have an object with a link to Noah’s Ark and a pub (yes, of course it’s a tenuous link, but it is Christmas; now where’s the sherry?).

Peter’s Christmas Message

Identification and Valuations

Eight more readers finds. Thanks to all those who have sent them in. Clearly the find of the week is the gold Angel featured above.

Previous Website Updates

Friday 8 December 2023
Friday 1 December 2023
Friday 17 November

You can find all previous website updates in News

Next week

Help with the next edition

Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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