Friday Update: 28 October 2022
I was reading this week about a detectorist in Jersey who was wading in the sea when he found a wedding ring. He put images of the ring on social media in an attempt to reunite it with the owner and hopefully make her day. She contacted him to say that she had deliberately thrown it into the sea after a messy divorce and could he throw it back in there. As usual, we’ve a good number of detecting finds this week that the finders are delighted are now above ground including nine from our readers.
PAS finds this week have raised a number of questions, some of which we’ve answered and other we would welcome suggestions for. Noonans have an auction in a couple of weeks that includes a good number of important detecting finds; there’s a chance to buy a whole Roman hoard of over 1000 coins.
In the news, a “unique” gold sword pommel, found a couple of years ago, has been acquired by a Scottish museum and there’s a 16th century gold ring found on Paul Hollywood’s estate – I’m sure there’s a baking pun in there somewhere but I couldn’t think of one.
Noonans to sell Knaresborough ring and other finds
Valuations and Identifications
Nine readers finds this week. Thanks to all those who have sent them in
Find of the Week
Groat of Henry VIII
PAS Finds
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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.