NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update: 27 January 2023


It was looking very much like Scotland would take the honours this week with coins of David II and Alexander III coming in from readers. However, just as we were finalising this week’s update, a reader sent in a penny of Offa. Many of these are of great rarity – this one may well be the only known intact specimen of its type.

In PAS finds, a mount was ordinary looking mount was found a couple of weeks ago. What makes it potentially extraordinary is that it is inscribed with the letters “JW” and was found in the grounds of the birthplace of John Wesley. It’s always tempting to seek the most interesting back story with any detecting find; it might just have belonged to a John Wark or someone else with the same initials. We have a look at the life of John Wesley to see if there are any clues and come to a surprising conclusion.

Plus, news on more Welsh gold that has been declared to be treasure.

Identification and Valuations

Eight more readers finds this week. Thanks to all those who have sent them in

Treasure News

Welsh gold declared treasure

PAS Finds – John Wesley

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friday 13 january
Friday 6 January 2023

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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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