Friday Update: 3 February 2023
At the launch of the Treasure Report for 2021 it was revealed that 96% of Treasure finds are made by detectorists, with many of the most important going on public display. It was good to see the work of detectorists being recognised by the Director of the British Museum and the Arts & Heritage Minister who said that it was “wonderful to see metal detecting across the county thriving“.
At the launch was a Henry VIII pendant. Some of its workmanship looks rushed which has led to the speculation that it was designed to look -good from a distance rather than close-up, where the failings become more obvious; many of us can relate to that.
Keeping the Tudor theme going, we have the story behind the Phoenix medal of Elizabeth I in PAS finds. We’ve six more readers’ finds, including a Rhuddlan cut halfpenny.
In auction news, we have the results of Noonans auction this week which featured several detecting finds and we look forward to Timeline’s auction in a couple of weeks. One detecting find being sold is a spectacular gold posy ring. The sale also includes a pair of Anglo-Saxon saucer brooches that we previously featured on this website; worth a look if only to watch the video of Tim Wonnacott struggling to say anything particularly meaningful about them.
Henry VIII pendant is star of Treasure annual report
Identification and Valuations
Six more readers finds this week. Thanks to all those who have sent them in
Find of the Week
Rhuddlan cut halfpenny
Auction News
PAS Finds – Phoenix medal
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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.