Friday Update: 8 April 2022
It’s good to have a hammered gold coin come in for the second week running. Plus, a couple of other really unusual readers finds and a Henry VIII groat identification that was tricky to pin down. PAS finds includes a couple of finds of Regional importance: a Roman “spiculum” spearhead and an Anglo-saxon cloisonne brooch.
DNW have two auctions next week that will be of interest to detectorists. The first is their regular coin auction that includes 39 lots from the “Collection of a Suffolk Detectorist”. The second features three important recent detecting finds.
In the news, a Roman hoard found in 2012 goes on public display and props from the Detectorist TV show are sold to help raise funds for a new community hall. In other news, recent detecting finds have helped to pin down the 1066 Stamford Bridge battle site; hopefully more on that in coming weeks. Also, this week, Danish researchers published a paper involving case studies of metal detecting communities in Britain and Denmark. They concluded that detectorists “perceive metal detecting as having a beneficial effect on their health and wellbeing“. All of which goes to show what many of us already know about our hobby: it is beneficial for the wider community, other specialists such as historians and for the detectorist themself.
Next week, I’m continuing my series on the Kings and Queens of England with the reign and coinage of King Stephen. if you do happen to have a coin from Stephen’s reign in your collection, please do send some images of it in.
Valuations and Identifications
Seven more readers finds this week. For the rest of this week’s finds see the Front Page
Find of the Week
Quarter Noble of Henry VI
Other finds
PAS Finds
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Help with the next edition
Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.