NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update: 11 March 2022


Good results from DNW’s sale of recent rare detecting finds with the Edward III Leopard reaching the top of its estimate and the gold thrysma fetching significantly more. The detectorists who found them give their reaction to the results and Andy Carter, the finder of the Leopard, tells what his wife has planned for the proceeds.

Twelve more readers finds came in this week including something that is the first of its type I have ever seen. In PAS find there’s a pilgrim badge, possibly of Thomas Becket. I have the story of how his murder sparked a booming souvenir business over several centuries.

Valuations and Identifications

Nine more readers finds this week. For the rest of this week’s finds see the Front Page

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Friday 18 February 2022

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Help with the next edition

Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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