NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update: 4 March 2022


Three rare recent detecting finds come up for auction this week; a gold thrysma, an Edward VI Irish shilling and, the star of the show, an Edward III gold “leopard” which is estimated at £100,000 – £140,000 but could sell for a lot more.

The find of the week is a continental copy of an English coin; unusual because it is a short cross penny. PAS finds include a Viking sword, found in a river bank.

In the news, there’s the story of how the only surviving artefact from a War of the Roses battle has been tracked down; it helps to confirm how the battle was fought. Plus, The Treasure Registrars thank two detectorists for donating their finds to their local museums.

Valuations and Identifications

Nine more readers finds this week. For the rest of this week’s finds see the Front Page


Auction News


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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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