PAS Finds

PAS Finds: week ended 1 April 2022

PAS Finds: week ended 1 April 2022

My selection of the detecting finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 1 April 2022.

Featured Find

Figurine of Mercury

Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0
Object type: Figurine
Period: Roman
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 25/03/2022
Location: Winteringham, North Lincolnshire

This head from a figurine wears a plain round hat with a pronounced rim with the remnants of two wings, known as a petasos. This indicates that this was probably Mercury. Like other Roman gods, Mercury had a few strings to his bow being the god of travellers, trickery and thieves. He was most associated with commerce and merchants, from which his name derives. This is a Find of Note; County Importance.

Selection of other finds

Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Anglo-Saxon silver ring

A simple silver ring dating from c. AD 800 – 1000, which is now going through the Treasure process
Photo: Garry Crace CC By SA2.0

Pipe tamper figurine, possibly Nelson

A figurine from a pipe tamper dating to the first half of the nineteenth century. It could be an ordinary Georgian soldier or possibly Nelson (before he lost his arm at Santa Cruz in 1797).
Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Anglo-Saxon cloisonné brooch

A brooch dating from c. AD 1000 – 1100 which retains its enamelling, in dark blue, white and turquoise. It is a Find of Note of Regional Importance.
Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Roman “spiculum” spearhead

The PAS record suggests that this may be the head of a spiculum, a 3rd Century missile weapon. Finds of nearly complete Roman weapons is rare and so on the basis of the suggested identification this has been designated a Find of Note: Regional Importance.
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