Friday Update: 17 March 2023
This website has now been going for two and a half years, which means we get to follow up on stories as they develop. Back in December 2021, detectorist Steve Simmons contacted us to say that he had recently dug up a small hoard of gold coins and would we be interested in the story. Of course, we said yes. Next month, that hoard is up for auction and we have the update on that story.
In other auction news, there were several gold ring detecting finds in Noonans sale last week. Most did very well, especially the Memento Mori ring which was found in late 2022.
Another really good selection of readers finds, including a penny of Ecgberht. And in PAS Finds is a seal matrix of the Trinitarians, whose story includes another vision of a stag with a cross and a curious statue in a campus restaurant in an American university.
Auction News
Reader sells hoard of Civil War gold
Memento Mori ring smashes auction estimate
Identification and Valuations
7 more readers finds this week. Thanks to all those who have sent them in
Find of the Week
Penny of Ecgberht
PAS Finds (w/e 10/03/23) – Trinitarians
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Help with the next edition
Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.