Friday Update: 17 June 2022
At this time of year very little arable land is available to search as most fields are under crop and out-of-bounds until harvest time. This unusually leads to detectorists targeting pasture fields but due to a lack of rain most of them are bone dry and very difficult to dig. When pasture is damp a clod of earth can easily be replaced. However, when it is very dry the clod can dry out very quickly and the grass will die. Therefore, due to the present soil conditions it is advisable to keep away from pasture fields.
Do remember that finds don’t have to be recent. Provided they are interesting then it doesn’t matter when they were unearthed. So, look through your collections and let’s see some of your old finds. Or if you’ve got a story to tell about one of your finds just let us have some text and photos and we’ll format it. Richard Wells has just done that this week with an article, in his own words, on how he discovered a hoard of Roman coins. We’ve another reader article coming in the next couple of weeks.
In auction news, Noonans sell some recent detecting finds for good prices and in PAS finds, the story of Richard II’s black money.
“Happy Days” – finding a Roman hoard
Valuations and Identifications
Four more readers finds this week. For the rest of this week’s finds see the Front Page
Auction News
Noonans sell extremely rare detecting finds
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Help with the next edition
Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.