NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update: 10 June 2022


One of the joys of metal detecting is unearthing the unusual and speculating on its purpose and the people who may have come into contact with it. A couple of PAS finds this week provide such an intrigue: there’s speculation that a unique find of a pilgrims ampulla containing pins is connected to witchcraft. Plus a medieval ceiling decoration with a tenuous connection to Guy Fawkes.

We’ve all had times in our detecting lives where we are running hot or cold. Eric Weinrabe contacted me to say that he is currently on a roll and sent in a really nice example of a groat of Philip and Mary.

The Galloway Hoard has returned for a temporary exhibition in the county where it was found and has set visitor records as thousands come to see it. Although there is some controversy surrounding the find, it is another great example of how the work of detectorists allows so many people to connect with their local history.

Valuations and Identifications

Four more readers finds this week. For the rest of this week’s finds see the Front Page

Other finds

Detecting News

Mystery of the pins in the pilgrims ampulla

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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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