PAS Finds

PAS Finds: week ended 1 October 2021

PAS Finds: week ended 1 October 2021

A round-up of some of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 1 October 2021. There were 229 finds recorded in this week. 

Featured Find

Silenus strap slide

Photo: Surrey County Council CC BY SA2.0
Object type: Mount
Period: Roman
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 01/08/1985
Location: North Clifton, Nottinghamshire

A cast copper alloy Roman strap fitting dating to 2n Century AD whose fittings suggest a use as a strap slide. The object is a bust of a middle aged male, with a bald head and large beard comprised of four thick strands of ringlets descending to the chest. This is most likely a depiction of Silenus.


Silenus was a companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus. He commonly figures in Roman bas-reliefs of the train of Dionysus, riding on an ass.

A notorious consumer of wine, he was usually drunk. When intoxicated, Silenus was said to possess special knowledge and the power of prophecy.

Silenus was depicted as a jovial man, hairy and balding, with a pot-belly, snub-nose, and the ears of an ass.

Selection of other finds

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Medieval horseshoe

An iron horseshoe dating to c. AD 1050-1250. It is longer than a normal horseshoe of this width and the suggestion is that the ends were designed to extend beyond the hoof. There are relatively few examples recorded with the PAS due to issues of iron corrosion.
Photo: National Museum Wales

Iron Age terret ring

A terret ring dating to 100BC – 100AD. These purpose of these rings was to guide the reins to prevent them from becoming tangled. The PAS record say that although similar rings have been found it has not been possible to identify a published parallel.
Photo: Bristol City Council CC BY SA2.0

Coin hoard of Charles II and William III

A hoard of 61 silver coins from mainly from the reign of William III; 36 of his shillings and 16 half crowns. The hoard is currently going through the Treasure process.
Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Roundel Dagger Pommel

A roundel dagger pommel dating to c. 1350 – c. 1600. Roundel daggers, named after the round hand guard and pommel, were a long and slim stiff-bladed dagger. Used by a variety of people from merchants to knights as a weapon or utility tool.
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