NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update – 5 March 2021


As a new weekly feature, I will be picking my highlights of the finds recorded at the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). To launch this feature, I have an articles on the Top 10 finds on the PAS and seek your views on the PAS and what to record with them.

Detecting in the News has the story of a landmine discovered by a 17 year old detectorist, out on only his second trip detecting. In auction news, there’s the Tony Abramson’s collection of Dark Ages coinage, many of which are detecting finds.

Plus valuations and identification of readers’ coins. A modern gold £5 piece was sent in this week. Although not really my line, it has prompted me to write an article on the best way to sell these types of coins.

Portable Antiquities Scheme



Valuations and Identifications

In this week’s edition there are 4 new valuations including my Find of the Week and Runner Up.

Find of the Week

Runner Up

Henry II halfpenny

Henry II halfpenny

How to use what information is available on a cut coin to identify the reign, class, mint and moneyer

Auction News

Detecting in the News

Quick Quiz

Each week I will be publishing a Quick Quiz of typically 6 or 8 questions on a particular theme. You will receive an immediate score and explanation of the answers and so hopefully, these will be both fun and informative.

Previous Website Updates

You can find previous website updates in News

Next week

Help with the next edition

Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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