NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update – 30 July 2021


Two detecting finds from recent years have made the news this week: An Anglo-Saxon gold mancus is going to auction at DNW and is expected to fetch £200,000. Plus the Shropshire Bulla, a Bronze Age sun pendant, is going on public display for the first time in the county in which it was found. Both finds are extremely rare.

I’ve 5 more readers valuations, including a George V sovereign and a William the Lion penny. In the PAS review, finds include a Bronze Age palstave axehead in exceptional condition plus a 1/8 ducat, minted in Zeeland, with the nickname “pietje”.

Valuations and Identifications

In this week’s edition there are 5 new valuations including my Find of the Week and Runner Up.

Find of the Week

George V, sovereign

George V sovereign

Minted in Melbourne, Australia in 1915.

Runner Up

William the Lion of Scotland, penny

If this coin entered a beauty contest then it would have no chance of being the winner, but it is a rarity.


DNW to sell mancus

Gold mancus, found in 2020, expected to fetch £200,00

Shropshire Bulla to go on display

Found in 2018

One of the most significant finds from the Bronze Age in more than a century” to go on public display.

PAS Review

bronze age axe

PAS finds include a Bronze Age palstave axe and a coin with the nickname of “pietje”.

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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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