NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update – 20 August 2021


In this week’s update, I make a personal plea for mediation in the NCMD dispute. If you have been following this dispute, you will no doubt have your views on the various claims and counterclaims from each side. My plea is not about the rights and wrongs of each side’s position, it is about finding a way forward for the good of the hobby; mediation offers that opportunity.

In readers finds there is one of the best extant specimens of a Henry VIII halfpenny of its type and a first for this website, a potin unit of the Remi. In PAS finds, there is a Medieval candle holder and Aesica brooch.

After a break in auction activity, Hansons are back with their 2 day Historica auction. The star lot is a Charles I mourning ring that has a haunting portrait of the king. In a related news story, the second largest hoard from the reign of Charles I has been declared Treasure.

NCMD dispute – A plea for mediation

Valuations and Identifications

In this week’s edition there are 7 new valuations including my Find of the Week and Runner Up.

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Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.

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