Friday Update – 12 March 2021
A busy week, with 15 finds being sent in. Many of these have quite a story. I’m grateful to all those who sent them in, so that these stories can be shared.
With the current Covid situation, I know some people are still unable to go out detecting, myself included. An increasing number are able to and it’s great to hear about their finds. After a rest during this lockdown, Thrill of the Find returns with a great story of someone finding their first gold coin. If you are out detecting, let me have your story and photos.
The main article this week is a follow-up to IOD – a cause for concern? The results of my Freedom of Information request reveal the threat to the hobby of metal detecting posed by the IOD.
IOD – the hidden agenda
Keith Westcott has plans to take control of the hobby of metal detecting.
Following a Freedom of Information request to Historic England, I can reveal the hidden agenda behind the Institute of Detectorists.
Valuations and Identifications
In this week’s edition there are 15 new valuations including my Find of the Week and Runner Up.
Find of the Week
Henry V Half Noble
Runner Up
Other finds
PAS Weekly Review
A selection of the finds recorded by PAS in the previous week
Thrill of the find
Detectorists share stories of their finds
Auction Preview
Lockdales – 27/28 March
Quick Quiz
Each week I will be publishing a Quick Quiz of typically 6 or 8 questions on a particular theme. You will receive an immediate score and explanation of the answers and so hopefully, these will be both fun and informative.
Previous Website Updates
You can find previous website updates in News
Next week
Help with the next edition
Please help me with next week’s edition. If you’ve been out detecting again or taking the time to go through your collection, please contact me with anything you find of interest or would like me to identify.