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Anglo-Saxon brooch of “National Significance” goes on display

This is an update to the story we carried in August 2021 entitled Anglo-Saxon silver disc brooch declared Treasure. The brooch was found by detectorist Iain Sansome near Cheddar, Somerset in 2020 and recorded at the PAS as DEV-1A7D5C.

PAS record: DEV-1A7D5C. Photo: PAS CC By SA2.0

The brooch will go on the display at the Museum of Somerset in the autumn once conservation work has been completed.

Amal Khreisheh of the South West Heritage Trust, which runs the museum, said that the brooch is the “first of its kind” in the South West and is exceptional because of its size and quality of decoration in the “Trewhiddle” style. “At the moment its impact is reduced because of the soil and corrosion products still present on its surface, but once conserved the brooch will be very striking” she added.

Tom Mayberry, chief executive of the South West Heritage Trust, said “That the brooch was found so close to Alfred’s palace at Cheddar has led to some suggestions of a connection with the royal court, but we’ll never know for certain. We can only be grateful that such a resonant and beautiful object has been brought to light again after so many centuries. It is a great Somerset treasure.

The Treasure Registrars tweeted “This is great to see – an important find to be in a public collection.

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