PAS Finds

PAS Review: week ended 30 July 2021

PAS Review: week ended 30 July 2021

A round-up of some of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 30 April 2021. There were 286 finds recorded in this week. There were four Finds of Note and three Treasure finds, including a small hoard of Roman coins.

Featured Find

Iron Age Pot

Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0
Object type: Pot
Period: Iron Age
Primary material: Ceramic
Date found: 06/02/2021
Location: East Riding of Yorkshire

A Late Iron Age Pot which is filled with wet and now concreted sand. It has been wrapped in tape by the finder to protect it. The finder has tested the pot with a pinpointer which indicates that it contains non ferrous metal objects. As it may contain more than one pre-Roman metal object, it is now going through the Treasure process.

Selection of other finds

Photo: Hampshire Cultural Trust CC BY SA2.0

Lion’s head stud

A Roman copper alloy stud in the form of a lion head dating to AD 43 – 200. It would have been attached to a wooden cremation casket. The lion’s head motif is frequently found on Roman funerary monuments and is believed to represent the devouring power of death.
Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Medieval gold annular brooch

A gold annular brooch dating to 1200 – 1350, which is now going through the Treasure process.
Photo: Bristol City Council CC BY SA2.0

Anglo-Saxon Sceatta, Secondary Phase E

A sceatta minted in northern Netherlands, possibly Friesland, dating to c. AD 720 – 740. Only ten sceattas have been found in Gloucestershire and it has been designated a Find of Note: County importance.
Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Button and Loop Fastener

A copper alloy button and loop fastener dating to the Early Roman period, 100 – 200 AD. These type of fastener began in the Late Iron Age and continued through to the 3rd Century AD. Some were used on human clothing and other chunkier versions as part of a horse harness. The distribution of detecting finds has challenged the view that these were purely military items.
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