Talks about talks in deadlock
The offer from the NCMD to enter into a mediation process was welcomed by the four regions (Yorkshire, Midland, Southern and Western). The ‘four’ have been concerned for some time about the way the NCMD seemed to be heading and some aspects of governance of the NCMD’s funds. Mediation, where both sides come together and thrash things out, seemed an ideal way of reconciling their differences. All that was needed was the arrangement of the time and place this would take place and who would attend.
Anyone keeping up to date with recent events will know that at an EGM on 10th July 2021, the majority of the NCMD Executive decided that they “will no longer recognise … as members of the Executive Committee” four executive officers of the Yorkshire, Midlands, Southern and Western regions. Effectively, they were removed from their long-standing positions. It strikes me as obvious that these four men should take part in the mediation process as they represent one side of the disputed matters.
Curiously, the NCMD is refusing to accept the chosen nominees from the four regions. This is tantamount to picking and choosing. The representatives from the four regions are ready and willing to enter into the mediation procedure. The ‘four’ are not picking and choosing: they will meet with any officer or officers of the NCMD who wish to be involved.
One side to a mediation process should not say who can and cannot attend it from the other side. The NCMD offered mediation and the ‘four’ said they would be involved in it – so, stop the bickering and let’s get on with making the necessary arrangements. I hope that the NCMD’s public offer of mediation was not a hollow promise. It offers the best way forward and an opportunity to re-unite the NCMD and allow it to focus on the threats and opportunities that face our hobby. The NCMD has always been a broad church and let’s hope it continues to be so.
By the way, I’ve been accused more than once of being biased towards the ‘four’; this, despite the fact that I said my website may be the only platform where both sides could state their case. The offer still stands. The only thing I won’t permit is abuse, whatever direction it comes from. However, I do welcome comments, opinions and legitimate criticism.
Dear Midlands members and friends,
The National Council for Metal Detecting is an organisation which has a large and loyal membership. The NCMD is made up of eight regional bodies including the Scottish region, the North Western region, the North Eastern region, the Midlands region, the Southern region, the Western region, the Anglian region and the Yorkshire region. Allied to these is the Central Register comprising of Individual clubs and associate individual members.
Each region is autonomous with their own delegates representing them at National Council executive meetings, that are held three times a year.
The NCMD is also represented at various decision-making committees such as the Portable Antiquities advisory group and other various government departments dealing with matters likely to have an impact on the hobby.
It has always acted as a crusading lobbying group when it believes that the hobby and its membership’s existence is at stake, such as when the Ancient laws of Treasure Trove were to be replaced with the introduction of the Treasure Act.
In 1996 I led that team of volunteers from the NCMD which negotiated with the government to put our case forward for our members. All done over many months, without payment, on a strictly voluntary basis.
Current members should be aware that without the unstinting work of these volunteers over the past 40+ years, detectorists would not be enjoying our hobby today, that is unparalleled and admired everywhere in the world.
The hobby of metal detecting and the organisation that has protected it for the past 40+ years is now under dire threat.
The people running the NCMD presently under the guise of “improving” it and making it more commercial, are presenting more of threat to it than any archaeological or governmental body could ever have dreamed up. They have effectively ripped up the legal Constitution of the NCMD that has been our guiding light for nearly half a century, because it doesn’t suit their agendas
Their aim of paying a public relations “expert” £21,000 per annum for a three-day week would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. That, and paying £16,000 per annum to the General Secretary and a membership secretary flies in the face as to why the NCMD was set up all those years ago by unstinting, dedicated volunteers who loved our pastime.
In order to stifle opposition from the four regions, the Midlands, Western, Southern and Yorkshire, they will no longer recognise the democratically Chairmen from these regions, including myself. Their excuse is that we refused to take part in zoom meetings called at their behest during a world-wide pandemic. Our reasons? The hobby was not in peril, and the NCMD was safe and could wait until it was OK to resume the face-to-face meetings as we had done for over forty years.
These people have taken it upon themselves to expel a long-standing officer without consulting the regions as laid down in the constitution, and to pay officers for work that they had agreed they would do for no recompense.
The lure of £330,000 in the NCMD accounts is proving to be a temptation too far. This is your fighting fund not theirs. Only recently we learn that a legacy of £15000 was left to the NCMD. Almost immediately the Chair of the NCMD, Wendy Howard said it should be shared by the officers for all the hard work undertaken by the officers during the pandemic.
What hard work? The world was in shutdown. It’s a joke
I have been the chairman of the Midlands region since its formation in 1982. In that 39 years, I have also served as Chairman of the NCMD for 18 years and a further 6 years as its President before being made Honorary President 2 years ago. Now they wish to remove me without first consulting you the Midlands membership and put in place someone who suits their greedy aims. This appalling insult to our democratic principles must not go unchallenged!
Please support me in defying their aims by voicing your support for the democratic principles that have made the Midlands region the biggest and most successful region in the country. Please let your objections and opinions be heard.
My Midlands members will soon be receiving a letter from the NCMD stating that they no longer recognise me as your democratically elected representative and they will ask you to put forward a person that suits their “commercial” agenda. Please ignore this.
If you believe that the Midlands has been badly treated by these people please let the world know. You won’t be allowed to publish any thing on the NCMD Facebook website as they monitor this daily and take off anything that displeases them.
The four regions are in a fight to protect an NCMD that has always stood for honesty, integrity and the constitution. These people have decided to drive a coach and horses through the constitution for pecuniary advantage that benefits only a small minority of officers.
In recent days we, the four regions, have accepted mediation in order to resolve outstanding issues but these usurpers have refused to allow the four regions’ chairmen to take part. What are they frightened of?
We have since learned that the offer of mediation has now been withdrawn as they want to choose who will oppose them and are afraid to meet us face-to-face.
I have served and supported you for the past 40+ years. Please support me now in stopping these people from destroying an organisation that has become the envy of the rest of the metal detecting world.
John Wells, Chairman, Midlands Region NCMD,
Honorary President NCMD
the NCMD has turned down the offer to mediate. this now makes them Guilty by Default. Kevin Gorman has not been officially elected as General Secretary. Now is the time to prove he has, the offer of mediation is still on the table. The regions have autonomy and elect a committee to do the Day to day running of the NCMD. the committee dose not get any votes. the regions propose second and vote, not the committee. the chair person gets a casting vote only. the regions tell the committee what to do not the other way round. Kevin Gorman is only the General Secretary. a secretary that everyone has to share. the Chair is in charge not the secretary. Kevin Gorman has Broken the Constitution many times and he has spread malicious rumours about a fellow officer.
I would say the way the NCMD is treating the regions chairmen is disgusting after all they’ve done in the past ,remember it’s these peoples hard work that’s put the bank account of the Ncmd in such a healthy position, that reserve is there to support issues that may arise and not for NCMD to fritter away as they want to ,I can fully understand John wells frustration and his views,I for one won’t be paying my annual subs unless this matter is sorted out
I don’t understand why anyone would think that spending money on members is wasting it. As a newbie was really confused about where I’m allowed to detect and the laws. I’ve loved the videos and find them really helpful. More info on the rules and laws is really helpful to lots of other people too. The website is alright but it could be a lot better. Now I’ve been detecting for a bit I’d like to know I can vote on stuff too. I might not be in a club but my views are just as important as anyone elses. All this fighting is confusing however I’ll vote for the side that is doing things for the hobby because that’s what matters. It’s us, the members, that matter in all this isn’t it?
Hi carol, the committee needs the approval from the regions first before they can spend the money, also the 5 secretary’s have been suspended for telling the members that the committee was going to start paying itself wages?? now they are advertising the Jobs with pay. so they have not been truthful?? how can you trust them from now on??
Hi carol you may be misunderstanding what I was saying I agree if it’s spent on member’s issues that’s what it’s there for ,the point I was trying to make was I was agreeing with comments made by John wells of the midlands region who stated that ncmd personnel were being paid salaries when in the past he and others did the work volunterilly to the benefit of the NCMD and it’s membership
But they aren’t paid salaries except for the membership bloke. I keep reading that they are paid but the NCMD have said they aren’t. No idea why anyone does it for free though cause I wouldn’t. A few hours a month might be okay but if we want proper stuff done it isn’t really fair to expect folk to do loads of work for nothing.
Hi carol you seem to completely miss the point, the 5 delegates was picked on and dismissed for saying they was going to pay themselves. and now we know the committee had all along not told the truth??? can any other organizations believe what they are being told is true???
There is no need to avoid face to face. But there’s no need for people to avoid digital either like seems to have been occuring…and a simple camera at the meeting solves that..
If digital, secondary streaming is also more than possible from one person with a laptop, even with a delayed feed..
Do you send personal letters to each member with meeting minutes or accounts? No…they are on the website.. so how is that different to fairness of people who use technology..
‘Obstructiveness for the sake of obstructing’
As a simple member, detecting for 15 years. I just want to express how disappointing it is to see such a national organisation reduced to the amount of hot-headed propaganda and inability of their side to hold up to their own mistakes.. it is shameful.
We members pay, and expect for that payment, the founding reason for the NCMD to be the priority of EVERY person in ANY position of responsibility…to protect the hobby of metal detecting within our shores.
Right now, both sides of the fence are actually putting the hobby at very serious risk, worse than any other individual, academic or organisation.
To hear that some meetings, regardless of face to face or zoom are not being represented, repeatedly, regardless of any disagreement is a disgrace, that is why members are paying…that is what they expect you to do..
This emphasis on ‘face to face’ is completely without arguament or merit. Millions of companies and organisations around the planet have managed to run 100% digital for interactions since the start of the pandemic…and us members have to wake-up to social media feeds full of it being completely impossible for the NCMD or certain regions to achieve this, and swallow that pill?
Here’s an idea, how about a mediator independantly looks into whether the exclusion of the representatives of the affected regions was within the framework of the constitution. Then the result of that can be used for justify appropriate representation for all regions for an agenda’d zoom meeting to address the raised issues, with spectating allowed for all NCMD members, and the mediator at the control panel to tether the predictability that some people on both sides won’t be able to control themselves.
Maybe rather than hiding between four walls and a coffee machine with a sheet of minutes, how about allowing us…the members to see the whites of everyones eyes, the antagonists, the pacifists, and actually see why all of you are putting our hobby, that we trusted all of you with and our funds you were all entrusted to look after at such a great unacceptable risk.
Why avoid face-to-face discussion?
What is shameful is the total disregard for the Constitution not instigated by the four regions.
Do you know the numbers that can participate in zoom meetings, unfortunatley what you suggest is impossible. Your sugegsted method also excludes many members who do not use technology, another example of inequality.
Let’s consider hiring a large auditorium/stadium with at least 29000 capacity and a nice ventral stage and lighting. Those opposed can sit on the stage, we can all see the white of each others eyes, and have a proper debate. I do want all the officers prior to the last rushed and illegal AGM to be present so we can do this right. Again, not possible.
We are prepared for mediation this was offered as a way forward and accepted by the four regions. Then conditions were being placed on this as it would be fair, and legally binding on all. That is like playing another team in a football match and picking the other side, come on!
The NCMD officers are no more qualified or entitled to oversee the NCMD than the Executive Committee members. Of course, if you are seeking to have a hold on the money you remove or silence the opposition they are doing well.
Shout high and loudly for MEDIATION.
From someone who has seen both sides personally, and treated unfairly by current members of the committee, those who have not seen for themselves some of the antics that have taken place by the executive Committee shouldn’t really be taking sides.
Instead think about the hobbies good name and do what you can do future generations. Let’s look at something like green waste and lobby your MP for this contamination to stop.
Take sides but do it quietly. Only one side of this is being seen and heard. The four want what is best for metal detecting in the UK and don’t have individual, political reasons. The other. Well, as I say, I have a grievance.
I’ve known Dave Sadler for many years and really look forward to his Thursday night broadcasts on metal detecting related topics, and other issues. He and Luke Higgins were treated badly when they agreed to take on the Digging Deep magazine for the NCMD.
No sooner had they agreed to look after it and was voted on by the executive when they were removed from their roles by two officers without telling the rest of the executive and giving the job to a so-called PR person with little or no knowledge of the hobby or of the workings of the NCMD.
What an opportunity missed
The real reason was that they would probably have been too honest for the likes of some.
Luke and Dave, you’re well out of it.
David Sadler does a lot for the hobby.
On the 9th February 2020 he was co-opted with another as Publicity Officers for the NCMD. That was the subject to a proposal and full vote by the Executive Committee members at that meeting.
They both could have given so much help to the NCMD, but were removed by Kevin Gorman, and that is just another issue we would like to discuss.
Their removal could only be legal if the reasons were put before the Executive Committee and discussed. There would then be an opportunity for them to at least state their case.
That is now all the four regions wish to do in a promsied mediation. Can that promise be met?
Is this the same David Sadler that provided a platform for Keith Westcott from the Institute of Detectorists in December 2020 on The Big Detectorist Show. The same David Sadler that promotes the Detector Network and LP Metal Detecting on the show. Is that representing ALL members of the NCMD as the constitution requests of its regional representatives?
Personally I would like to thank Dave Sadler for letting Keith Wescott have a slot in the show so that he could shoot him self and his plans in the foot by exposing how restrictive he was trying to make it for us to enjoy our hobby. Without that show the truth would not have been so readily known about Keith Wescott. Thank you Dave Sadler 👍
Don’t think that was the plan though.
Why do people without a clue crawl out of the woodwork using a pseudonym and challenge maters they have absolutely no idea about whatsoever. How many clubs have you been a chairman for: how many members have you represented as a regional committee member: how many NCMD meetings have you attended?
Do us all a favour, and give your real name so we can all appreciate who you are and where you belong instead of hiding away.
I will educate you if you can take this in. At the beginning when Kevon Gorman not ratified as the General Secretary and still isn’t because he rigged the nomination process, tried to make changes to our Constitution some of us objected. That person assisted by Alastair Hackett who is the guardian of the Constitution pushed ahead. All of this whilst we were in a pandemic. To be honest, if you removed those two individuals and there was face-to-face dialogue the NCMD would start to move forward.
This is nothing about age or anything like that. The NCMD is just a brand name, it is only ever going to be as good as those that gave, and continue to give up their time voluntarily, to work for the members. The four regions are not spending the money: our NCMD web site has been hijacked, and our Facebook page, also Digging Deep is being used to spread propaganda by people absolutely afraid to sit around a table and talk. These two I named, offer something and then later put their own conditions on any offer. Right now, using our NCMD web site, and Facebook page they have offered mediation and that is accepted.
Before you spout so sanctimoniously, what have you ever done for the NCMD during your limited time on earth. You have no concept at all. If you can provide something constructive do so, but get your facts right. Tell you close relative to do the same – get fully informed.
Do you shout everyone down David? Anyone whose views you don’t agree with? You sound bitter and twisted – I don’t need to go to your meetings to see that as I can read it in your words above.
I can see an organisation that has been stuck in the 1980s for ever. You and your colleagues claim to have been at the helm for most/all of that time and, since you won the battles in the 1980s, it appears to myself and most members you’ve just sat back and clapped each other on the back ever since. Meanwhile the hobby has changed but the organisation hasn’t. If some new people with new ideas and enthusiasm are coming in to change things and actually move the organisation on then good.
Don’t attack all of us who dare to say we don’t think your actions are draping you in glory, because they aren’t.
I am not bitter and twisted, whatever your name is, I am slightly angry. I attend various events, so do introduce yourself to me if you know I am about. We can always have a chat.
Unfortunately, when the history of the NCMD was written by a certain individual controlling the publication, he stopped at 1982. That is all that was printed in Digging Deep.
The years from 1982 to the present, when a lot took place that had to be fought and defended, the PAS, Treasure Act etc., where written and sent to him ‘as requested’ he then failed to print that important part of the NCMD history. That somewhat selfish act, made it difficult to inform people who need that education.
When asked about that failure to publish this history, we were told on 17th May that it was because it was too long. Well yes, 1982 until now and at what a loss to our members who now conclude we are ina time warp. It was and is important and could have been published in two parts?
It is strange that what was printed, those FEW early years from the late 70’s until 1982 could be used as propaganda, just like the recent Digging Deep by that same individual.
By the way, we started using zoom in the Western Region well before the NCMD officers did, and told them about our use of ‘modern technology’ for my own club and regional meetings.
I have a number of slightly embarrassing emails sent aorund months after my initial use, that were shared from various present officers showing a total lack of understand of such as Teams, Skype and zoom etc. , modern technology, in these modern times.
My subject specialty is Information Technology, and I can hold my own against any of the present people spending our funds. The NCMD officers eventually started using zoom when they could disadvantage and avoid face-to-face discussion.
Going forward we could accomplish a lot with a balance of face-to-face meetings and the use of such as zoom, to in fact have more than the normal number of annual meetings – if all could agree. Members could view these meetings and the whole NCMD would become more inclusive and transparent.
I have no interest in personal grudges between anyone, and believe me they exist. They may be part of the present situation, I ask all to put them aside.
We were offered and want to take part in mediation. If that willingness is not accepted, then it is because the existing officers are in fear they will be brought to task about many of their actions these past months that were outside of the authority granted by the NCMD Constitution. We can sort that and then crack on.
Working together means attending a face-to-face meeting when possible, making proposals, having discussison, amendments, futher discussion and a vote. Not a problem and it isn’t the four regions refusing to do that.
So you use zoom meetings, told them they should be too but then refused to go zoom meetings because they weren’t face to face, knowing they couldn’t do face to face because it was illegal?
Nothing more needs to be said really does it?
Actually yes, more needs to be said by me, and I do appreciate you reminding me. This was nothing to do with the law or being illegal. By the way I studied law in a past employment.
On the 17th May 2021 all four Executive Committe members of the NCMD gave up a day to meet with Kevin Gorman and as it turned out Catherine Lange in Northampton.
Kevin Gorman until that day, has insisted on zoom meetings, but when it suited him, he wanted an informal face-to-face meeting.
Wendy Howard the NCMD chairman wanted to attend but was refused by the two we met with. That is what she told John Wells and myself and at that time I felt sorry for her, because that was not the right thing to have done to her.
At that meeting we expressed that we had concerns, and serious financial issues were disclosed to us. We were PROMISED a face-to-face meeting to enable us all, the eight regions that actually are suppose to manged the NCMD, to meet up and have a proper discussion.That discussion was to be BEFORE any AGM.
That promosed meeting was cancelled by Kevin Gorman again, he didn’t keep his word, and then back to imposing zoom meetings.
YOU KNOW THIS, but I am happy to tell the membership that don’t know about it, or fully understand some of the problems.
One arguement is that the AGM must be held before the 30th June each year as the Constitution. However, that has been changed before and held later. We were also in the middle of a pandemic, and the hobby was not under any threat. That promised meeting could have put everything back on track.
The NCMD as we know it these days, started out with £48, and now have over £300000 in more than one bank account.
We should only ever, ever, have one bank account in any case, and information has now suggested there may well be another account?
The four regions do not have access to the bank accounts, and we have been prevented from any management of them. We have absolutely nothing to gain, and we are not seeking payment for various positions as outlined in our Constitution.
Do read the Constitution it will enable you to have a more constructive arguement if that is what you want, any time.
Nothing more needs to be said really, does it?
No you don’t make sense.
You are attacking them for not having 7 people at the May meeting and demanded a face to face meeting, presumably of a bigger number, before the AGM. As you are a legal expert, in addition to being an IT guru, one can assume you knew that meetings of more than 6 before the 29th June would have been illegal? Maybe you were expecting them to break the law? Yet Zoom would have been a great solution and was good enough for your meetings but not when it suited you. Again it smacks of childish game playing.
David C the 8 regions have all the votes the committee have none. the use of zoom meetings was proposed and seconded and voted against being used. the High Court made it LAW that the Councils in England Scotland And Wales after the 7th May can not use zoom ,we one the 17th May also adopted that rule. all rooms was booked for the FACE to FACE. as per requirement. and the committee broke the constitution, also there was not the required Quorum, a minimum of 17 delegates must be present. 8 regions 4 reps per region = 32 regional reps 40 % must be present to vote, or the chair must end the meeting.
I have not attacked anyone, and I never demanded a face-to-face meeting. Can you not read well, it was proposed by Kevin Gorman and accepted?
I studied law as part of my past employments, I have a very good solicitor who is an expert. I also have one that is an expert in the law relating to membership organisations. More issues reading?
I stated my subject specialty is Information Technology, and I never called myself a Guru. However, if you are referring to my University Teaching Qualifications, okay thank you for the compliment.
Mediation will sort out what meetings were legal or not.
It is a fact that I was using zoom, and other forms of technology way back into my past. It can be a useful part of an organisation structure, but not a replacement for face-to-face discussion, The NCMD is not a business it is actually a membership organisation, representing just a hobby.
I can assume from your comment about childish game playing, you really are being briefed badly, and have a limited knowledge base of actual issues.
You never attacked anyone?
I, like many others, have read the personal attacks on the Western Region NCMD public group Facebook page. Or do you call those comments friendly banter?
You didn’t ask for face to face meetings?
Your open letter on this very website of the 20th July states ‘Throughout our discussions we have insisted that meetings held to address the serious issues identified should be face-to-face rather than utilising electronic media…’
You need to get your story straight David because from where I’m sat yours doesn’t look good.
Yes, one of the issues when using social media, emails and zoom – it depends where you are sat, or what you are sat on?
Another reason for face-to-face discussion.
Quiz time, let’s ask some questions and check your score: –
Here is a question with the answer provided as you may be having difficulty, although I doubt it.
In Digging Deep page 12 the last issue 29 it states the number of views of the cartoons as 10k. How many actual views were there until yesterday?
ANSWER: Just over 8K.
It means someone who wrote that in our magazine either cannot count, or exaggerated the truth to our membership to justify what in fact was unauthorised expenditure.
£25000 is a lot of money no matter how you look at it, and some people, many of our members are struggling due to the pandemic.
Only one video had a total viewing of more than 3000 times?
Those 8000 total views equate to a cost of over £3 to every member.
I noted some poorer members asking about a reduction in NCMD subscriptions due to the pandemic, and they were shot down.
What was that all about?
Grow up and get on. We are not in the playground now, nor are we in Regional Gangs.
Work TOGETHER for the good of the members, not your EGOS.
David C. You are correct it is five. I’m the fifth person “ no longer recognised”. As you can see I’m not hiding behind a post box address, anonymous email addresses or truncated names.
The side you say has “Kept dignity” offered through Alastair Hacket to go to mediation, when this was taken up by the regions concerned he suddenly started imposing conditions like who could/ could not represent them. I ask here, did the NCMD ever really mean mediation or did the four regions taking up the offer surprise them?
You say you have no idea who’s right or wrong but are quite happy to then insult people from behind your anonymity.
Perhaps you should contact one of the chairmen, their names and emails at least are available, to ask them.
im sure they would respond..
This is getting tedious for everyone now. What were the reasons the four (thought it was five?) people were no longer going to be recognised for? It was two ‘serious’ things – so instead of throwing accusations around why don’t these people tell us what the reasons were or stop bleating and throwing horrible accusations around.
No idea who is right or wrong here but the NCMD officer lot are the only ‘side’ who appear to have any kept dignity in this fiasco. If the accusation throwing that these 4 (5?) are displaying in the last few weeks is anything to go by then I for one wouldn’t want to work with them either. They sound like petulant, spoilt children.
Why don’t they step aside? They think 30 or 40 years being chair of a region is something to be proud of – sounds more like they can’t let go of power. Is no one else in their team good enough? Makes you wonder if they do care about the NCMD or just don’t like not getting their own way.
Do not worry, everyone will be made fully aware and the accusations are supported by considerable evidence.
You obviously are the kind that hides behind a wall and throws stones.
Do you, or anyone really belive that FOUR REGIONS would put in so much effort and time in to prove a point?
I hope you are not the same Steve C that has been paid by various archaelogists for work undertaken for them. If you are, then I must ask do you really support the hobby?
Grow up yourself and don’t appear so stupid with your ill informed comments.
A point to note is that only 11 people were present at the 10th July EGM, 5 North West, 4 Scotland, 1 Anglian and the “communications” person who was to represent the Central register, 11 out of a total of 42 officers and delegates, that is NOT a majority, ( there no proxy votes record in the Minutes) it looks more like a kangaroo court, belonging more in places like North Korea than in the UK. You should also note the agenda for this meeting was sent out just before midday for the meeting at 5pm on the same Saturday and did not include any allegations against the persons now named.