PAS Finds

PAS Finds: week ended 20 August 2021

PAS Finds: week ended 20 August 2021

A round-up of some of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 20 August. There were 370 finds recorded in this week. Although the number of finds was above average, there were relatively few finds of any quality or rarity. There was only one Find of Note and no Treasure finds

Featured Find

Seal Matrix of the Priory at Mottisfont

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0
Object type: Seal Matrix
Period: Medieval
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 17/08/2021
Location: Test Valley, Hampshire

A Medieval cast copper alloy seal matrix attributed to the Priory at Mottisfont, Hampshire. It has been designated a Find of Note: County / local importance

The die depicts the Trinity and a figure of a praying cleric, likely representing the Prior or Abbot. Absent from the composition is any clear representation of the Holy Spirit, normally represented in such iconography in the form of a dove.

The legend, in black letter, reads sigillu officii prioris  (p’or – etas?)   Cce trinitat’ de moteCfont or  “seal of the […] prior of (the priory) of the Holy Trinity of Mottisfont“. The black letter style of the legend on this matrix dates this object to the latter part of the history of the priory, circa 15th to early 16th century


Priory of Mottisfont

In 1201 William Briwere, a businessman, administrator and courtier to four Plantagenet kings, founded the Priory of the Holy Trinity at Mottisfont in Hampshire. It was supposed ti hold the forefinger of St John the Baptist as a sacred relic, and eager pilgrims came to be blessed by the Augustinian canons. Hundreds of prosperous years were followed by devastation from the Black Death and other disasters. During the Dissolution of the Monasteries under King Henry VIII, the priory was dissolved and the king gave Mottisfont to a favoured statesman, Sir William Sandys 

Selection of other finds

Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Stone bracelet

This stone ring was spotted by a detectorist in the River Ribble, while he was out detecting. It is suggested that it was made by rubbing a naturally holed stone. It has been dated to Early Bronze Age to Roman, 2000BC-AD410
Photo: Surrey County Council CC BY SA2.0


A gun-flint wrapped in a “flint pad” formed from a piece of folded lead dating to 1550 – 1750. This enabled it to be held in the jaws of a cock or hammer on a flintlock firearm. Flintlock muskets were the mainstay of European armies between 1660 and 1840. The knapped flint was used within the musket mechanism to produce a spark and could last between 20-25 shots before it had to be replaced.
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