PAS Finds

PAS Finds: week ended 17 September

PAS Finds: week ended 17 September

A round-up of some of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 17 September 2021. There were 326 finds recorded in this week. There was one item of Treasure and five Finds of Note. 

Featured Find

Anglo-Saxon shield boss apex disc

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0
Object type: Shield Boss
Period: Anglo-Saxon
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 01/06/2021
Location: South Kesteven, Lincolnshire

An early Anglo-Saxon iron and copper-alloy gilded shield boss-apex disc dating to the 6th century AD. This decorative discs would have been soldered onto the shield boss.

In this image the design has been highlighted. It shows two quadruped animals, each with a raised front limb.

Shield apex discs are not commonly found objects and only a few are recorded at the PAS. There are no direct stylistic parallels for this example making it a ‘find of note’. 

Selection of other finds

Photo: North Lincolnshire Museum CC By SA2.0

Anglo-Saxon sleeve clasp

A copper alloy sleeve clasp dating to 500 – 550 AD. These type of clasps would have secured clothing at the sleeves.
Photo: Surrey County Council CC BY SA2.0

Medieval writing stylus

A complete Medieval lead stylus or ‘writing lead’ which is complete with an unusually well made rectangular eraser terminal. These styli could be used to write on parchment, paper and stone as well as on wax tablets.
Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Roman lock component

A cast copper alloy Roman lock component in the form of a duck. The cutaways on the terminal would probably have connected with a component under the lock plate to open the catch – A comparable example from Augst in Switzerland was found in situ with a lock plate, demonstrating its function. Designated a Find of Note.
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