PAS Finds: week ended 10 September 2021
PAS Finds: week ended 10 September 2021
A round-up of some of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 10 September 2021. There were 296 finds recorded in this week including 2 items of Treasure and 3 Finds of Note.
Featured Find
Eadberht Præn, penny
Period: Anglo-Saxon
Date found: 04/09/2021
Location: Meldreth, Cambridgeshire
A silver penny of Eadberht Præn, king of Kent, dating to AD 796-798. Obverse reads: EAD/BERHT/REX. Reverse reads: AESNE giving the moneyer as Aesne with the mint being Canterbury. This is believed to be the only example of this combination of king, moneyer and reverse. It has been designated a Find of Note: National Importance.
Selection of other finds
Brooch of an Edward III noble
A brooch cast from a mould of a Edward III Treaty period noble. It was found near the Oxford Colleges with a date of production only a few years after the St Scolastica Day riots, which was sparked by some students complaining about the quality of wine in an Inn. In the aftermath, Edward III came down on the side of the university. Hence, it is suggested that this brooch may have been worn by a professor of student.
Miniature Roman axe
A miniature copper-alloy socketed axe weighing only 5g. Although it resembles a Bronze Age axe it is a Roman pendant or votive piece.
Mount from a shield or lyre
Dating to c. 7th century this is thought to be a mount from either the apex of a Anglo-Saxon shield or a lyre. Similar mounts were found fitted to lyres in graves, including Sutton Hoo, although these examples were gilded.