PAS Finds

PAS Finds (w/e 24 May 2024) – Henry I penny

My selection of the detecting finds recorded at the PAS in the week ending 24 May 2024.

Featured Find

Henry I penny – new variant

Photo: Bristol City Council CC By SA2.0
Period: Medieval
Date found: 29/04/2024
Location: Sandhurst, Gloucestershire

A penny of Henry I, which Martin Allen on the PAS records describes as “a new variant with inner circle but no crown on the obverse, and with a cross fleury on reverse“. Consequently, it is considered to be a Find of Note of National Importance.

The reverse reads +DRIV:[  ][N?]:[C, E or L]ODE giving the moneyer as Driu. This name is known as a moneyer at Hereford in  Stephen type 7 and Henry II’s Cross and Crosslets (Tealby) coinage but is previously unknown for Henry I. The identity of the mint is unclear.

The PAS record notes that there our two other known Henry I types that have a three-quarter facing portrait, holding a sceptre (Type 6 and Type 15). It suggests that “The new coin appears to sit stylistically and chronologically between the two

Type 6

Type 6, North 862, c. 1107

Type 15

Type 15, North 871 c. 1125-35

Bent coin

When found the coin was bent

Henry I penny as found.
Photo: Bristol County Council CC By SA2.0

The shallow even curve of the fold suggests that it may have been wrapped around a thick cord rather than being plough damage.

It may have been a prayer or pilgrims token.

Selection of other finds

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By SA2.0

Roman ring of Mars

A Roman finger ring that depicts a raised figure of Mars, helmeted, with a spear in his right hand and resting on a shield to the right with his left hand. Considered a Find of Note.
Photo: West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service CC By SA2.0

Medieval Toy Jug

A miniature toy jug dating to AD 1200-1500 which is considered to be a Find of Note of County Importance.
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