PAS Finds

PAS Finds: two weeks ended 25 March 2022

PAS Finds: two weeks ended 25 March 2022

My selection of the finds recorded at the PAS in the two weeks to 25 March 2022

Featured Find

Anglo-Saxon pin head

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0
Object type: Pin
Period: Anglo-Saxon
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 21/03/2022
Location: Dover, kent

This is thought to be the disc from a disc headed pin, dating to AD 720 – 800. It has been designated a Find of Note: Regional importance. The fashion in the late eight century was for showy dress pins, linked together in sets of two or three. The most spectacular example of is a linked triple pin set from the river Witham, Lincolnshire.

Witham pins

Witham Pins
, Photo: British Museum CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The Witham pins were found during the dry summer of 1826 when works to improve the navigation of the river Witham were being undertaken.

Selection of other finds

Photo: Bristol City Council CC BY SA2.0

Medieval gold ring

Running around the outside of this 14th century ring are eleven oval panes, each engraved with a letter to spell IO SVI CI EN LI, which means “I am here in place of a [lover/friend]“.
Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Penny of Eadred

Penny of Eadred of the Two-Line type, which reads EFER/VLF NO giving the moneyer as Eferulf/Eoferulf. Coins of Eadred are rare stray finds; this is only the 14th example recorded by the PAS and the first from the county. Hence, a Find of Note: County Importance.
Photo: Sussex Archaeological Society

Colchester penny of Stephen

A “Watford” type penny of Stephen. The legend that is readable on the reverse is SA…ON… , which give the moneyers as Safare/Safari. The mint is Colchester and this is only the second penny of Stephen from that mint recorded at the PAS. Hence, it is a Find of Note: County Importance.
Photo: Surrey County Council CC BY SA2.0

Iron Age “Lion Bow” brooch

Possibly a hinged léontomorphe (Lion bow) derivative brooch dating to c. AD 25 – 60.  Each rectangular cell has some enamel remaining, in alternating blue and red. It has been designated a Find of Note: County Importance.
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