PAS Finds: two weeks ended 25 March 2022
PAS Finds: two weeks ended 25 March 2022
My selection of the finds recorded at the PAS in the two weeks to 25 March 2022
Featured Find
Anglo-Saxon pin head
Object type: Pin
Period: Anglo-Saxon
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 21/03/2022
Location: Dover, kent
This is thought to be the disc from a disc headed pin, dating to AD 720 – 800. It has been designated a Find of Note: Regional importance. The fashion in the late eight century was for showy dress pins, linked together in sets of two or three. The most spectacular example of is a linked triple pin set from the river Witham, Lincolnshire.
Witham pins
The Witham pins were found during the dry summer of 1826 when works to improve the navigation of the river Witham were being undertaken.
Selection of other finds
Medieval gold ring
Running around the outside of this 14th century ring are eleven oval panes, each engraved with a letter to spell IO SVI CI EN LI, which means “I am here in place of a [lover/friend]“.
Penny of Eadred
Penny of Eadred of the Two-Line type, which reads EFER/VLF NO giving the moneyer as Eferulf/Eoferulf. Coins of Eadred are rare stray finds; this is only the 14th example recorded by the PAS and the first from the county. Hence, a Find of Note: County Importance.
Colchester penny of Stephen
A “Watford” type penny of Stephen. The legend that is readable on the reverse is SA…ON… , which give the moneyers as Safare/Safari. The mint is Colchester and this is only the second penny of Stephen from that mint recorded at the PAS. Hence, it is a Find of Note: County Importance.
Iron Age “Lion Bow” brooch
Possibly a hinged léontomorphe (Lion bow) derivative brooch dating to c. AD 25 – 60.  Each rectangular cell has some enamel remaining, in alternating blue and red. It has been designated a Find of Note: County Importance.