PAS Finds

PAS Finds – Pilgrim badge of Mary, Eve and Tree of Life

My selection of the detecting finds recorded at the PAS in the week ended 24 November 2023.

Featured Find

Pilgrim badge of Mary, Eve and the Tree of Life

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By SA2.0
Object type: Pilgrim Badge
Period: Medieval
Primary material: Copper alloy
Date found: 19/11/2023
Location: North Kesteven, Lincolnshire

A 15th century pilgrim badge. The scene being depicted is uncommon which makes this a Find of Note.

Tree of Life and Death Flanked by Eve and Mary-Ecclesia

The design bears a close parallel with this work by Berthold Furtmeyr in 1480 in a missal created for the Archbishop of Salzburg.

On the right side of the pilgrim badge is a naked figure and on the left a robed figure, possibly with a halo. Between them is a tree with a snake.

The two figures are, therefore, Eve and Mary respectively with the Tree of Life between them. It presents Eve as the mirror image of Mary: ‘Eve cause of all sin; Mary cause of merit’

Selection of other finds

Roman lead pattern for a brooch

A  fragmented lead pattern or model for a trumpet brooch, dating to about AD 75 – 175. A Find of Note of County Importance.
Photo: National Museums Liverpool CC By SA2.0

Bronze Age Razor

A Bronze Age double edged razor, dating to 1500 – 800 BC. It is a Find of Note of County Importance.
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