NewsWebsite Update

Friday Update: 24 December 2021


Although it’s a quieter week for readers finds this week, as we approach Christmas, two of the finds were significant for the detectorists that unearthed them. Roger told me of the barren time he had been having before unearthing an extremely rare Ancient British silver half unit and Andrew Thompson made a find that had been on his wish-list for 11 years. If you have anything in your collection that has a special significance for you, please do send in some pictures and why it means so much to you.

In PAS finds, there is a rare aureus of Claudius and the story of how he emerged from hiding from behind a curtain to become emperor.

In the news, AMDS, the new association for detectorists, have launched their insurance for detectorists as part of their £5 annual subscription, Also, there the story of the largest hoard of forged coins to be found in Britain.

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