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Cut halfpenny of Henry I

Ian Sharman asked if I could let him have a full ID on this hammered silver cut halfpenny.

Hardly anything shows up within the inner circle on the obverse but what can be seen of the surrounding legend reads ICVS RE. Within the inner circle on the reverse is half of a cross fleury and all that shows up of the legend is ELD. In front of ELD is what appears to be half of the cross at the start of the legend.

The details listed above point towards this cut halfpenny being an example of the facing bust/cross fleury type of Henry I.  It is likely that ELD is the start of the moneyer’s name on the reverse. I traced only one moneyer whose name matched the three letters – that was ELDRED, who is recorded as an official at the Warwick mint.

With the lack of so much detail on the reverse I cannot be absolutely certain that my ID is correct. However, it is certainly a very strong possibility.

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