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Stater of the Corieltauvi

Justin Hayes asked for my opinion on this Ancient British gold stater. Justin said that it is 6 grams in weight and added: “We are sure the gold is electrum.”

Firstly, this is a stater of the Corieltauvi and is listed in Ancient British Coins as an example of the North East Coast type. On the obverse is a wreath, cloak and crescents and on the reverse a horse facing right with a pelletal sun below and several pellets above. This version of the North East Coats type is numbered 1719 in ABC.

There are several minor varieties of ABC 1719. This example appears to be genuine and I assume that Justin thinks it is electrum (an alloy of gold and silver) because of its colour. All I can say is that gold can be several shades and to be certain about the metal content of this coin it would need to be tested. A plus point is its weight, which at 6 grams is correct for this type of gold stater.

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