Quarter noble of Edward III
This is another recent find that came in from Steve Bartlett. The other was a silver coin but this one is hammered gold.
The coin is a quarter noble of Edward III, which was struck during the treaty period. If you think it looks bad now I can assure viewers that it looked far worse when it first came out of the ground. It was originally buckled and bent but Steve paid for it to be straightened. I was asked if it would be worth only its gold value in its present condition.  Â
The coin would grade Poor to Fair, there is a crack in the flan and daylight might show through in one or more other places. Therefore, its state of preservation leaves much to be desired.
In its present condition would it be worth more than its gold value? Well, it should be, for if it was sold just as a lump of gold then the buyer would be paying nothing whatsoever for its numismatic significance.
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