PAS Finds

PAS Finds: week ended 7 January 2022

PAS Finds: week ended 7 January 2022

My selection of the finds recorded at the PAS for the week ended 7 January 2022. 

Featured Find

Merovingian Tremissis

Period: Anglo-Saxon
Date found: 01/01/2022
Location: Canterbury, Kent

A gold Merovingian National Series tremissis dating to c 650-70. The obverse reads ATACIACO and the reverse FRATECLISELO. The PAS record gives this as the mint of Allassac and moneyer Frategiselo.

In a quick search, I couldn’t find another example of this mint and moneyer. The best reference on Merovingian coins is still the five volume work by Belfort, published in the 1890s. That listed about 6,500 coins, many of them known from a single specimen. New coins continue to turn up in England and this could be yet another. It has been designated a Find of Note for inclusion in British Numismatic Journal ‘Coin Register’.

Selection of other finds

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By 2.0

Continental sterling of Henry VII, King of the Romans

A continental of Henry VII, King of the Romans, also known as Henry of Luxembourg, dating to 1308-12. Minted in Luxembourg.
Photo: Surrey County Council CC BY SA2.0

Continental sterling of John II of Avesnes

A continental sterling, imitating an English long cross penny of the time, issued by John II of Avesnes, Count of Hainaut  (1247 – 1304), in c. 1291 – 1297. Minted in Mons.
Photo: Derby Museums Trust CC By SA2.0

Radiate of Carausius

Although the exergue is unclear, the style of the coin is considered to be an unpublished example from the S P series. It will feature in Sam Moorhead’s new edition of Roman Imperial Coinage and is designated a Find of Note.
Photo: Birmingham Museums Trust CC By 2.0

Miniature Bronze Age Axe

An  incomplete miniature axehead or chisel, measuring only 42mm in length, dating to the Early Bronze Age (c. AD 2000-1700 BC). Miniature axes are often associated with Roman votive offerings but this is of Bronze Age form. It is a Find of Note: County importance.
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