Christmas Message
Christmas Day
On Christmas Day my wife and I are normally at our son’s house with a dozen other people. Like most others, this year we will be at home. Covid 19 has put the damper on many things but the instruction not to meet together in groups is just one of the ways that will help to stem the spread of this deadly virus. There is at last some light at the end of the tunnel, in the shape of the vaccine we already have and others that will be available shorty. Quite when we will get back to normal is still uncertain. Let’s hope it will not be too far into 2021.
Detecting in 2020
Detecting has been on and off during 2020. Much depended on what restrictions were in place at any given time. Large club outings and rallies have not taken place but when possible smaller groups and individual detectorists have been out and about. I have had only two outings since the middle of March. I miss the detecting but I miss just as much the company of my colleagues. Yes, we can correspond via emails and talk over the telephone but neither is the same as meeting people face to face.
Setting up the website
A Wolverhampton-based detectorist I have known for many years telephoned me the other day for a chat. Just before he rang off he said: “By the way, who is Paul?” Well, some of those who have had queries about sending finds in to the website might already have had emails from Paul. He is my son-in-law and is the brains behind the IT side of this website. I freely admit that I know next to nothing about computers, whilst Paul seems to know them inside out. It’s not much longer than two months since I asked my daughter, Victoria, how to go about setting up a blog. She handed the question over to Paul and what you are seeing is the end result. Each week it gets bigger and, I hope, better.
Buy a detecting magazine and you buy 50% or more of advertising space. Check out this website and you’ll find no adverts. If you want advertisements then look at them free on the internet. If you want identifications, valuations, articles, pre- and post-sale auction reviews, the latest news and other features, all for no charge, then view them on this website.
Thanks for your support
Many thanks to all those who have given support to my new website. Some of them have been friends for decades. Others I have never had dealings with before but I hope they will continue to lend me their support.
Please continue with your support. Tell your friends and tell your clubs that there’s something new in the detecting world at