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Centenionalis of Constantine I

This is the first of two finds that came in from Derek Henderson. It’s a fourth century Roman billon centenionalis, of a type found fairly often by detectorists.

On the obverse is the helmeted head of Roma and a legend that reads VRBS ROMA. On the reverse is a she-wolf suckling the twins Romulus and Remus. Above the wolf are two stars and below, in the exergue, are the mint letters for Trier (TR.S).  

David Sear lists this type as part of an issue of Constantine I in commemoration of the dedication of the new eastern capitol of Constantinople. The coin will date from AD 330-31.  


The obverse of Derek’s find would grade good Fine but the reverse isn’t as good. As the type isn’t scarce and the condition not particularly good my highest price estimate would be £2.

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