Can Alan Tamblyn bring people together?

The NCMD saga drags on. Outsiders must be quite baffled by the ongoing arguments. Up to press there have been three resignations: the General Secretary, the Communications Officer and the President of the NCMD. The reason for the resignations was said to be because of the high level of personal abuse aimed at them

The representatives from four regions (Western, Southern, Midlands and Yorkshire) have been deeply concerned about some of the actions of the NCMD. The representatives were first removed from their positions and soon afterwards had their membership of the NCMD rescinded. What was claimed to be personal abuse from them was in fact constructive and valid criticism based upon what they interpreted as unconstitutional behaviour by officers of the NCMD.

Mediation was offered not once but twice but both offers were withdrawn by the NCMD. The obvious question is why? Were the officers in control of the NCMD worried about facing awkward questions? Did they want to avoid having to face those who had been critical of some of their actions?

Those who have been dismissed from the NCMD have at times been portrayed as old men who are against change and progress. This certainly is not the case. Like many detectorists, they might not be young but they have decades of experience and knowledge. They are not against change, provided that it is beneficial to the hobby and is in line with the constitution of the NCMD.

It has recently been announced that Alan Tamblyn has been appointed to the post of General Secretary of the NCMD. Mr Tamblyn is said to be experienced in bringing people together and has a no-nonsense approach. Additionally, he has “. . . lots of exciting new ideas, all designed to bring those who love the hobby together, the better to fight the many threats to the hobby.” Here we have two references to bringing people together. This, at last, seems to provide a way out of the present stalemate. Will Mr Tamblyn now make a third and genuine offer of mediation, one that will settle all the arguments and once again unite the NCMD? I and a great many others hope he does but we shall have to wait and see.

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Tom Hall
Tom Hall
3 years ago

Alastair has had to resign because he had not done his job of protecting the constitution, the only job the president has to do. fact. The elected Representatives of the regions was dismissed for putting out false rumor’s, this was sent out on a letter posted to the members by the committee. No1 the committee was going to pay themselves wages, false
so why are they now advertising jobs with pay No2 Rumohr’s that the insurance did not cover members on commercial rally’s, that the committee had sorted on July 12 why was Bluefin Sport telling Members they was not insured? and on the 14th July replied by Email saying the members are not insured. the committee had not sorted it out, True the 4 regions with the help of John Wells finally got it sorted. Fact, as yet the committee has not apologized. Fact. you cant believe a word they say,