Sue Austin – Obituary
Written by Sidney Hallam and Brian Vaughan
It is with profound sadness that I have to inform you all of the passing of a true stalwart of our great hobby.

Besides being a proud mother and grandmother to Amanda, David, Jenny and their children, Sue, along with her late husband Trevor, was amongst the founding members and defenders of organised metal detecting in the United Kingdom.
Between them, they made formidable advocates for the protection and advancement of our hobby, whether it was at their club at Bolsover, within the Yorkshire region, at formal meetings with members of the House of Lords, MPs’ and Government officials or at meetings with Clubs and National Organisations in Europe.
Sue was always the quiet power behind the throne, encouraging and supporting Trevor in his work as National Secretary by taking on the role of Assistant General Secretary and also supporting him whilst he was a member of the Treasure Valuation Committee.
In later years she continued her advocacy for our hobby at all levels as a member of the Associated Regions for Metal Detecting (ARMD) and also the Association for Metal Detecting Sport (AMDS)

Away from metal detecting Sue loved to spend time with her family and friends, be it wine tasting in Tenby, a quiet game of 10 pin bowling or just some quiet time with her family.
Syd talked about Sue and Trevor a lot, and I remember Sue well from some of the meetings I attended, now well in the past. She was a nice person and will be sadly missed.
Truly, a lovely lady and great friend, who will be sadly missed