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Seal of Adam of Tyndale

The finder of this copper-alloy seal matrix asked to remain anonymous. The imagery in the centre is complicated and difficult to make out but an archaeologist has suggested that the surrounding legend reads SEAL OF ADAM OF TINDALE.

The following information comes from research by the archaeologist and the finder. There were two early members named Adam of what became known as the Tyndale family: the dates for the first Adam are 1155 to 1192 and the dates for the second are 1185 to 1233; the latter is perhaps the most likely candidate for the ownership of this matrix.

Langley Castle is near Hexham and during the reign of Edward III this became the base for the Tyndale family. A descendant, William (1496-1536), was the first man to translate the bible into modern (at the time) English. After being on the run for some time he was eventually captured and then burnt at the stake for heresy.


This seal matrix is in good condition but matrices of this type are nothing like as rare as they used to be. This, of course, is due to their rarity being greatly reduced through detecting finds. In a very recent auction a similar matrix in good condition, named to an individual, sold for a hammer price of only £80. The example pictured here might sell for more, as its link to the Tyndale family could make it more appealing to specialist collectors.

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