NCMD NewsNews

NCMD’s offer of mediation is withdrawn (twice)

Two offers of mediation were made to the four regions that have objected to some of the decisions, actions and proposals made by the NCMD. The first offer was withdrawn after the resignation of Kevin Gorman and Catherine Lange, which, it was claimed, was due to the level of personal abuse directed at them. The second offer, made by Alastair Hacket, has now been withdrawn.

Both offers were withdrawn by the NCMD because they said the representatives chosen by the four regions were unacceptable. The representatives, (Sydney Hallam, David Rees, John Wells and Clive Sinclair) were said to be unacceptable as “irreconcilable differences” existed between them and the NCMD.

The four had already been removed from their executive positions of the NCMD. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they have now had their membership of the NCMD rescinded.

It would seem that both offers of mediation were conditional on the chosen representatives of the four regions not being allowed to be involved in the process. In other words, the NCMD did not wish their fiercest critics to be involved. An attempt to find new people to represent the four regions came to nothing, which suggests that the Yorkshire, Southern, Western and Midland regions are content with the men removed from office by the NCMD.

Let’s examine the points highlighted above. Kevin Gorman Catherine Lange are said to have resigned due to the high level of personal abuse aimed at them. There is no excuse for personal abuse and no-one should have to put up with it. However, whatever abuse they received did not come from the representatives of the four regions; therefore, no blame lies with them. They have asked what might be construed as awkward questions, they have queried some of the amounts of money spent. They wanted to see copies of the accounts for the last five years, and raised other points. The new regime at the NCMD might not have welcomed all these queries but asking questions and seeking answers is not abuse. Neither, I would point out, is legitimate and constructive criticism.

In a mediation process one side cannot pick and choose who repents the other. Someone recently said to me this would be like the captain of a cricket team picking the side he is going to play. The representatives from the Yorkshire, Southern, Western and Midland regions were ready and willing to go through mediation, without any pre-conditions, but both offers were withdrawn.

That an offer was said to have been withdrawn due to irreconcilable differences is ridiculous. Few things are irreconcilable, least of all the present dispute between the NCMD and four of its regions. Indeed, to bring parties together who believe their differences are irreconcilable is exactly what mediation is for. It has successfully brought armed conflicts to an end.

Four long serving officers of the NCMD were first removed from their executive positions and then had their membership rescinded. I’m a detectorist, they are detectorists and we are all involved in a hobby we love. The four, who in the past have always had the best interests of our hobby at the forefront of their minds, have been unceremoniously thrown out of the national body that is meant to protect them and their interests. I’m disgusted by this. But I’m only one of 25,000 to 30,000 detectorists. What are your feelings about this? Please, let’s start a dialogue.

Questions, queries, thoughts, ideas and constructive criticism are welcomed. Abuse of any kind is not allowed. The NCMD Facebook site gives only one side of the story. I will feature both sides on this website. Hopefully, if enough detectorists put up posts we could eventually arrive at a majority opinion on some of the more important points.

I know that the average detectorist just wants to get out detecting. However, things are happening (or not happening) that are important to all of us, so do take a few minutes to join in the debate.

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Tom Hall
Tom Hall
3 years ago

the regional reps was sacked for telling you about paid Jobs. well now they are advertising them , if there are none then why are they advertising? this charade must come to an end. the South Yorkshire police advised to involve the fraud squad so what are you waiting for. get on with it. large amounts of our money spent with out permission from the regions is wrong. and now the Treasure Law Review they have done nothing. the fist part we responded But there was more responses from archaeologist than from detectorist. they haven’t told you this its kept a secret, Why? Now it has been finalized by the DCMS and is now passed on to the House of Commons to be passed into LAW. the NCMD committee has to send a deputation of 4 committee members, to parliament, to protect our hobby. NOW. So let the members know who are they? and when are you going to protect our Hobby. we all need answers now.

Sydney Hallam
Sydney Hallam
3 years ago

HI Peter I am one of the four. The victimisation against us 4 started when we refused to join the zoom meeting that had already been ruled and voted against many times. the accounts for last year not this, the accountant refused to sign the audit, I can let any member have a copy. I need your Name and membership number. we was accused of spreading rumours about the Insurance, NOT TRUE the Insurance company was telling our members that they was not covered for commercial rallies, THE INSURANCE COMPANY . we received many phone calls from our members. I rang the insurance and was told we was not insured and given a phone number that did not work, so I emailed the company and was told by email that we WAS NOT INSURED. I can let any member have that email also. we the 4 regions with the help of John Wells got this resolved for our members not the committee. I can also let you have this email. Money, this is the big problem that faces the Committee. without the permission of the four regions that was a requirement Kevin Gorman PAID THE TREASURER A WAGE. If any one spends large amounts of money they need to get the approval of the Regions first. Now you all know for the last 8 months we have been subjected to Intimidation and Abuse by the committee. they have broken our constitution. over and over again Kevin Gorman is the one that has been the one instigator of this breakup of the NCMD. Now the main Questions to ask All Members knew Trevor Austin’s Address and phone number. IS THERE ANY OF YOU THAT KNOWS KEVIN’S? He hides behind his computer and dares not meet face to face and dares not have Mediation that would prove him to be the aggressor. I now can let any of our members have the proof if they want it. We have nothing to hide. The Review of the Treasure Bill is now in Parliament and none of the committee is to go and protect out hobby, none going to see the MP.s or Lords, ask yourself why?

David C
David C
3 years ago
Reply to  Sydney Hallam

The emails don’t exist then? Thought not 👎

David C
David C
3 years ago
Reply to  Sydney Hallam

I’d love to see the emails Sydney. How do we email you?

Was the treasurer paid a wage? They claim no one but the membership secretary was paid a wage.

Sydney Hallam
Sydney Hallam
3 years ago
Reply to  David C

My email address is on the NCMD web site for the Yorkshire Region, always has been

Sydney Hallam
Sydney Hallam
3 years ago
Reply to  David C

take a look at the NCMD web site they are now advertising Jobs with pay, That is now the truth that we told you they had hidden from you .

Max Lamont
Max Lamont
3 years ago

I agree with your summary of the situation, Peter. The whole thing seems to be a power struggle between the parties involved but I don’t understand how the present officers of the NCMD got their positions in the first place, especially the ones who are so new to detecting. They have published their accounts now and the amounts of money spent and proposing to be spent on various enterprises is astounding, so no wonder their decisions were challenged and criticised. It certainly is inexcusable to expel the regional reps who have such a long record of being hard working ambassadors for the hobby but this has happened before back in 1998 when the idea of ‘Regions’ to replace ‘Federations’ was first set up. The members need a much greater say in the decisions made by the Executive Officers of the NCMD who at present seem to avoid scrutiny and want to be entirely unaccountable for their actions.

Brad Charteris
Brad Charteris
3 years ago

I think that’s a fair summary in my view.

Brian Mansfield
Brian Mansfield
3 years ago

It does seem strange that there is a reluctance to publish accounts. What sort of company/organisation is NCMD? A limited company? A charity? Sole trader? Partnership? CiC? Surely they have to account for members subscriptions, receipts, expenditure etc .. to HMRC. Being open and honest would surely boost their integrity rather than this mudslinging which only serves to tarnish it. I for one am no longer a member.

3 years ago

I only know John Wells out of those named but he is an absolute ambassador of the hobby and is the most honest and trustworthy man I’ve met in the hobby and beyond!

Duane Sutch
Duane Sutch
3 years ago
Reply to  Chris

I agree!