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Edward I, Irish penny

This coin turned up during a detecting session on 2 September. The finder, Richard Wells, asked for a valuation in order to come to an agreement with a landowner.

The coin is an Irish penny of Edward I. On the obverse is a bust of the king with three pellets below; the legend on this side reads EDW R ANGL D NS hyB with punctuations, including a pellet before EDW.

The reverse, with a long cross pattee and pellets in each angle, is the English type. Split into four sections on the reverse is a legend reading CIVI TAS WATE RFOR, so the mint is Waterford. All these characteristics added together point towards this penny being an example of class Ib.



This Irish penny is well struck on a round flan. However, it is a fairly common type and has enough circulation wear to reduce the grade of preservation to Fine. In its present condition a fair market price would be £40.

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