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Charles I halfcrown

Ian Powell is the finder of this large hammered silver coin. Ian thought it was a coin of Charles I but wanted more information about it.

This is a halfcrown of Charles I, which was struck at the mint in the Tower of London. It’s an example of type 3a1 and has mint mark crown on both sides. In the Standard Catalogue halfcrowns of this type are listed as number 2773 and dated to 1635-36.

Halfcrowns were first struck in silver during the reign of Edward VI but they are rare. There was a small issue (1601-02) during the reign of Elizabeth I and more were struck for James I, though not in great numbers. However, a huge number went into circulation after Charles I became king. This was partly due to the increased availability of silver bullion but more to do with inflation, which had forced up prices and wages and increased the need for coins with higher face values.


Ian’s find has some damage at 3 o’clock on the reverse, the flan is slightly irregular and the reverse weakly struck. On the plus side it would grade nearly VF and it is an attractive looking coin. After allowing for the plus and minus points, I’d suggest this Charles I halfcrown shouldn’t be worth any less than £150 to a collector.

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