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Calais groat of Edward III

Roger Paul sent in the images of this coin but it was found by a detecting colleague: Robert Piercy. The coin is a groat of Edward III, examples of which are not particularly scarce as detecting finds. However, this one is a bit special.

This groat was struck during the treaty period. The treaty referred to was signed at Bretingy, confirmed at Calais on 24 October 1360 and ratified by the English Parliament in January 1361. This brought an end to the conflict between England and France but it would erupt again in 1369.

Most Edward III groats were struck at London, a fairly small number at York and fewer still at Calais. I’ve seen several London and York groats as detecting finds but the specimen featured here, which was struck at Calais, is the first I’ve seen as a detecting find.
There is an annulet on the king’s breast, which is standard for Calais. On the obverse are double annulet stops and on the reverse a mix of double and single saltire stops.


Both sides are slightly defective and the coin is a little short of flan but the coin is otherwise in good Fine condition. In terms of its possible value, I’d expect a pre-sale auction estimate to be in the region of £150 to £180.

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