Seal of Philip Soor

Photo: The Portable Antiquities Scheme CC By SA2.0
Object type: Ampulla
Period: Anglo-Saxon
Primary material: Bronze
Date found: 08/06/2022
Location: St Fagans, Cardiff


Inscription on the seal reads *:S’˙PhILIPPI·SOOR·. It was found in St Fagans and the PAS record notes that Peter Le Sore was the founder of St Fagans Castle (in 1091) and so there could be a connection. I could find no direct descendants called Philip but there did appear to be a couple of local families with variations of the name. A Philip Soor was involved in a court case at Glamorgan on 3 August 1299 which fits with the suggested 13th century date of the seal. It has been designated a Find of Note of County Importance.