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Henry VI – Part One


Richard, Duke of York

After the death of Duke John in 1435 this left his brother as heir to the throne. The struggle in France continued and a few months after Duke John’s death Richard Duke of York succeeded him as commander of the forces in France. His initial term in office was for only twelve months. Duke Richard’s appointment was popular with the nobles in England and he was also familiar with the English establishment in France. His role in France was mostly administrative and diplomatic, with the war effort left to military leaders under his command. The army, made up of about 6,200 men, was pitifully short of the number needed to hold on to the land under English control.

Duke Richard arrived in France in June of 1436. He originally intended to head for Paris but its fall led to the army being diverted to Normandy. The campaigns, chiefly conducted by Lord Talbot, achieved some success and Duke Richard himself played a role in pushing back the French in some areas. The Council back in England wanted him to stay longer but he was unhappy with the terms of his appointment and he himself had been forced to pay the cost from his own pocket of keeping the army in the field. He returned to England in 1437, leaving the Earl of Warwick in charge in France.

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